Okashi Itsumo
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You are allowed to
  • listen to
  • copy
  • distribute
  • transfere to other media (e.g. MP3-Player, CD, etc.)
  • and publish
the music provided in the section "music", unless something else is stated.
The usage stated above is bound to the following conditions:

When distributing, publishing or using the music the following data must be stated:

Composed and performed by
Nicholas Hoellermeier,
Okashi Itsumo e.U.

"TITLE" has to be replaced by the according title of the used piece of music. If multiple songs are used, the titles have to be separated by commas (TITLE, TITLE, ...).

Non-commercial projects:
If you want to use the music in a non-commercial project (e.g. game, film, etc.), write a e-mail containing the titles of the songs you want to use, and some information about the project (or a link to a homepage relating the project) to: music@okashi-itsumo.com

Commercial projects:
If you want to use the music in a commercial project (e.g. game, film, etc.), write a e-mail containing the titles of the songs you want to use, and some information about the project (or a link to a homepage relating the project) to: music@okashi-itsumo.com
A for both sides financially satisfying solution will be arranged afterwards.

Creative Commons License
The music provided in the section "music" is licensed under a Creative Commons-licence, unless something else is stated.

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